Iron Blast furnace slag is the solid residue resulting from the process of smelting iron in blast furnaces. It is produced by combining oxides and impurities from the ore with additives such as limestone, which serve to separate and remove unwanted substances from the molten metal.
Our company offer you Haut fourneau de fer - contract for 3000 mt /monthly:
Chemical and Physical Specifications – Iron Blast Furnace:
% | |
Fe | 94,14 |
Carbone | 4,22 |
Mangan | 0,45 |
Siliciu | 1,044 |
Sulf | 0,03 |
Phosphor | 0,04 |
Crom | 0,035 |
Nickel | 0,003 |
Molibden | 0,01 |
Zinc | 0,015 |
Titan | 0,011 |
Cobalt | 0,002 |

Blast furnace slag (sometimes called "surface slag" ou "raw blast furnace slag") is the residual material formed on the surface of the molten metal bath in a blast furnace. It appears as a solidified or semi-solid layer, resulting from the mixture of impurities and flux materials.
How is blast furnace slag formed?
The blast furnace smelting process
Iron ore is charged together with coke and flux materials (limestone or dolomite) into the blast furnace.
During the reduction and smelting process, impurities in the ore combine with the flux to form slag, which rises above the molten iron bath due to its lower density.
Solidification of the upper layer
During partial cooling or in contact with air, the upper layer of slag can form a solid or semi-solid shell, known as the "blast furnace slag".
Composition of blast furnace slag
Metal oxides: Silicates (SiO₂), alumina (Al₂O₃), calcium (CaO), magnesium (MgO).
Trace metals: Includes mainly iron or other metal elements from the process.
Physical properties: Hard and dense, but with variable porosity.
Possible uses of blast furnace slag
Metal recovery
If the slag contains significant amounts of metals, it can be recycled to recover valuable materials.
Management and recycling of blast furnace slag
Collection and cooling: The slag is removed and allowed to cool. It can be processed to separate the usable components.
Advantages of using blast furnace slag
Reduction of industrial waste: Utilization of this material reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.
Saves natural resources: Replacing natural materials with blast furnace slag contributes to the conservation of resources.
Reduced environmental impact: Reusing secondary materials reduces the industry's carbon footprint.