Introducing Hydrogen in combusting the wood waste or wood /agriculture pellets happens several good things: the lack of homogeneity of the fuel is drastically reduced, also the moisture influence of the calorific power of the fuel is increased, same heating energy is obtained with fewer fuel quantity. When producing hydrogen in place of the electrolysis device, oxygen is also produced and it is introduced into the boiler as second burning gas, thus increasing combustible temperature, destroying tars, and reducing flue deposits on the chimney and burning emissions. Combining these techniques, it can be obtained an increase in boiler and fuel performance, fuel reduction for the same heat production, and flue gas pollution reduction. As fans are active devices in boiler installations, we introduce another type of these to increase boilersefficiency and adaptability to burning conditions and consumersdynamic heating needs. De asemenea, extracting most of the heat from flue gases transforms boilers into high-efficiency ones and our project introduces some heat recovery systems for that kind of boiler. Our project focuses on finding scientifically the proportions of each technique and producing installations for commercial, residential, and industrial consumers to replace natural gas or oil burners.

Ce este UNIC în comparație cu concurenții de ultimă generație ale pieței?

Market state-of-the-art/competitors base their increase in heat efficiency on limited regulating air from the atmosphere without introducing various gas separation for improving burning characteristics, with little to no use of flue heat recovery, with little to no automation to regulate the burning process. Our project introduces a variety of technologies to regulate, increase the efficiency of biomass burning and reduce boiler pollution mark.